If you're doing your Christmas shopping over the next few weeks, why not consider Costco aka “The anti-Wal-mart“? Their unique practices as a retailer – paying employees a living wage, offering generous benefits, customer-friendly return policies – has led to low employee turnover, a wealthier clientele in general and continued growth while competitors such as […]
Here's another online personality test. As with any of these types of things, you can take issue with some of the questions and how they are open to interpretation in different ways but it's still fun to see if it matches with how you see yourself. For instance, I'm kinda surprised at how well-balanced I […]
My mom retired this year after 33 years as a registered nurse – three years in Regina, four years off to have kids then thirty years at the Indian Head Union Hospital. Shea, Pace and I went to the local health district's annual long service & retirement tea (well, actually “dessert bar” so I wasn't […]
This site is pretty cool. It gives you a visual depiction of what your salary is on a hourly/weekly/yearly basis and even shows a ticker of how much money you earn as you look at the page (especially fun if you look at it while at work!)In other work-related news, I wore a cardigan to […]
A few recent conversations and readings have swirled together to make me want to write about the four day work week. I should mention off the bat that I was very fortunate when I worked for the Saskatchewan Publishers Group to be on a four-day schedule (all three employees in the organization were) so these […]
I think this has been active for awhile but has just officially launched. It's a comprehensive, cross-Canada library job board sponsored by The Partnership, which is a coalition of provincial library associations who work together on a variety of joint projects. The job board allows you to search for postings, or, if you're an employer, […]
CKUA is one of Canada's oldest, coolest and best independent radio stations. And they're currently looking for a librarian. If you're into music of all kinds and/or interested in media librarianship, I can't think of a better job in all of Canada.
Ask MetaFilter is a great site I've referenced a few times before. As I write this, this recent question has almost 300 “favourite” votes which makes it one of the most popular questions and answers I've even seen.Nobody posted a pick for a book that provides a good introduction to librarianship (yet) but I'd say […]
I'm pretty much the perfect example of the value of the Professional Mentorship program at FIMS. I participated in it all three semesters I was there. I had a great mentor in my first term and an okay one in my second. But it was the third that made it really pay off. When I […]
I had a conversation today that made me remember the internal debate many of us (including myself) go through when we first graduate – namely, do we hold out for a professional librarianship position or do we apply for whatever's available?I know there are people reading this who fall into both camps so I thought […]