Happy Labour Day! “Blue Sky Mine” – Midnight Oil
Always a bittersweet day when we do the many end-of-season chores at our family cottage at Katepwa Lake. We were out yesterday to bring in the piers, boat track and sea doo stand, clear out the water lines, cut the grass, load the boat, etc. etc. It was great to have one of my funniest, favouritist cousins […]
Back in the day, I was quite obsessed with web design and user-interfaces and even made some extra spending money for a while as a web designer (this is back around 1997 when, if you could get a picture to show up on a web page, people thought you were amazing!) 😉 My knowledge and […]
So, to celebrate the first day of school, we decided to take Pace to McDonalds for supper. I’d forgotten that Regina’s Rochdale McDonalds location (and perhaps others in the city?) have installed the new “Build Your Taste” machines which are like giant iPad-like, self-serve touchscreen machines. I’m sure we could’ve figured it out but a […]
My dad’s (and I suspect most farmers’) favourite season… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geiQ3gvchGM
Largely because of the Donald Trump campaign but in various other ways as well, more and more people are talking about how we’ve come to be living in a “post-factual” society where many people no longer even attempt to use logic, reason and critical thinking to form (and change!) their opinions. It can seem as […]
My son not only did all the stunts in this video but stitched them together in iMovie. He’s going to be the world’s first combination stuntman/film editor! 😉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G19bCFKidRM
This is pretty interesting featuring screenshots of the original version of sites such as Google, Yahoo, Amazon, etc. For comparison’s sake, here’s what my very first web page looked like in December 1998 (this isn’t the first page I ever made but the earliest I could find in the Wayback Machine). Crazy to […]
As we walked into the Canada Day Festivities the other day, I remember thinking how cool it was to see so many kids setting up lemonade stands in their yards along the road leading to Wascana Park – learning about entrepreneurship, customer service, being out in the sun instead of inside playing video games. Then, […]