This amazing program has been running at Regina Public Library’s Central and Albert branches for awhile but is now being expanded to the Regent Place branch where I work. The branch is at 331 Albert St (in the Market Mall that also has Pizza Pizza and Quiznos.) The program offers: * Drop-in counselling on a […]
We’ve been replacing our forty year old original fence in a series of mini-projects over the past five years. We started with the back part of our yard in May 2014 which was a major job as the neighbour directly behind us (no back alley) is at the end of a crescent on a pie-shaped […]
Usually, men are few and far between in library work. But I had a brief period where not only was I the only man around, I actually had two other dudes working in my branch out of a staff complement of ten. As a bonus, we all had a similar look so we joked about […]
About a year and a half ago, Chief Evan Bray of the Regina Police Service was my branch’s celebrity reader for Family Literacy Day. At the end of the event, he said he’d enjoyed it and hoped the police and library could work together more in the future. I mentioned his comment to a couple […]
James Holzhauer hasn’t caught Ken Jennings in terms of number of victories in a row but he’s setting records for most money won per game which is arguably a more impressive achievement? His secret? Studying easy-to-read introductory books on a wide variety of subjects at the children’s library!
Shea and I went to the Sask NDP’s Coronation Park Nomination Meeting tonight and it was wilder than we ever expected – over 400 rowdy people crammed into Thom Collegiate’s auditorium to hear from three candidates – April Bourgeois, Noor Burki, and Chris Gust – and choose the person who will represent our home constituency […]
Pretty proud to be a board member for this organization and if we’re thinking of fun, one of the most enjoyable parts of the job is having the opportunity to have a say in which manuscripts become published books!
Picked up a book on Mexican drug cartels and ended up learning a lot about American quarter horses! 🙂
Like a lot of people who convocate with a Bachelor’s degree, the biggest question is “Now what?” In 1996, I had an expensive English degree, a specialization in creative writing, and not a lot of other options. (The other big question you get asked, especially with an English degree is: “Are you going to be […]
The only thing that’s made the Flames’ amazing season better is watching the ongoing dumpster fire that is their provincial rivals, the Edmonton Oilers, not just this year but over the past ten years. The smugness and arrogance in this clip from Oilers’ Old Boys Club management is an oldie but a goldie (oh, and […]