Category Archives: FridayFunLink

Friday Fun Link – Angry Hockey Player Crosschecks Himself

Friday Fun Link – What The Mall Looked Like in 1989

  This post is half Throwback Thursday and half Friday Fun Link. It features cassettes!  Acid Wash Jeans!  Big Hair!  And somebody who looks like I looked in 1989 (okay, the pic is 1991) leaning against a brick wall. It’s a pictoral history of the American Mall in 1989!

Friday Fun Link – How Easily Are People Led?

Comedian Bo Burnham shows how easily it is to trick people and get them to say or do things that they normally wouldn’t which is *very* relevant in light of the success of Donald Trump… A German entertainer made the same point way back in 1973 which also turns out to be *very* relevant […]

Friday Fun Link – Map of the World’s Rudest Place Names Is A Thing of Beauty

Inordinately proud I’ve been to some of these places.  

Friday Fun Link – LetterKenny Season Two Trailer

Though I never watched the show, I saw a trailer for Season One and thought it was hilarious. The trailer for Season Two is equally good…

Friday Fun Link – Google’s Infinite Drum Machine

Google has a site where you can create beats using artificial intelligence and everyday sounds. It works for me on mobile but gives an error message on my laptop advising me to use Chrome – which is the browser that I use. But anyhow, even with the weird glitch, wanted to share as it’s a […]

Friday Fun Link – 19 Totally Real Conversations Obama and Biden Have Had Since the Election

Not too much funny about the election results but this made me chuckle.

Friday Fun Link – Virtual Reality

At RPL’s annual Staff Development Day today (okay, yesterday since I’m posting this on Saturday), they were demoing a new Virtual Reality accessory the library recently purchased. This was the Playstation 4 version, not the more well-known Oculus Rift headset that, in many ways, began the popularization of virtual reality devices for home users. It felt pretty […]

Friday Fun Link – Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump at the Al Smith Dinner

The Al Smith Dinner is an American political institution.  Since 1960, this fundraiser for underprivileged children put on by the Archdiocese of New York in memory of a former New York Governor and the first Catholic to run for President. It usually features the two Presidential candidates in a humourous, roast-style environment which is usually their last […]

Friday Fun Link – Bob Dylan Wins Nobel Prize for Literature

After the announcement, some were in favour, some were against and some were  surprised. As an English major, a music fan, a librarian and someone who’s worked in and still involved with book publishing, I have absolutely no issue with this choice – mostly because it means I got to see a Nobel Laureate in concert! 😉 […]