Got home and Shea said “Why did you post the word ‘Mark’ on your Facebook today?”
So I look:
My boss’s name is Mark but I don’t even have him on Facebook.
I have another work colleague I interact with fairly regularly named Mark but same thing – not on my Facebook.
I do have a handful of Facebook friends named Mark but generally (thought I) know how Facebook works well enough to not type their name into the “What’s On Your Mind, Jason?” box instead of the “Search” box.
I can’t think of someone named Mark that I just met today that I may have been trying to Google Stalk.
The time stamp was weird too – this was posted mid-afternoon at a time when I was in a meeting. Admittedly, it *was* a meeting with my boss Mark but it would be a seriously weird tech glitch for my phone to somehow hear me say my boss’s name, voice to text it, and then post it to Facebook? (Though I’m definitely in the “Facebook does listen to your conversations even though they say they don’t” camp.)
At any rate, if Facebook is listening to me and posting stuff I say at work, I’m just glad that “Mark” was all it heard today!
(I have another work colleague – not named Mark – who is very heavily into horror movies. Maybe I should ask her for her theories?)
Oh, and in terms of the person who replied “Mark”, JP Porcaro is someone who ran for ALA President and is an American librarian who I’ve never met in real life but I added as a Facebook friend because I tend to be pretty promiscuous that way. Perhaps he was making fun of me or perhaps he thought this was a new Facebook meme challenge?
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