As Ramadan begins, it’s got me thinking about how (or if?) I balance my views about religion as an atheist with my desire to (try to) be kind and respectful and inclusive as a human being?
I mean, you’re reading a recurring theme post I do most weeks called “Secular Sunday” that regulary pokes fun at and/or heavily criticizes religion. So again, how do you square that circle?
* As a starting point, I’ve said on this blog before that I try not to think of people who are religious as “dumb” or “misguided” but more like they happen to have a giant blindspot in their lives that’s often as much a result of where they were born and the influence of their family as anything. Although I’m not religious, I’m conscious that I have my own blindspots – I like booze and fast food but know it’s harmful, I like campfires even though they’re not great for your lungs or the environment, same with meat, etc. etc. – so this is something I can identify with where we do and like and believe in things that others might think are bad or harmful.
* When I do criticize religion, I try to attack the contradictions and hypocrisies of capital-R “Religion” in the widest sense, not individuals (unless they are individuals who are being hypocritical compared to their faith’s teachings of course.)
* Generally, as long as people of faith aren’t pushing it on me or others, I’m mostly a “live and let live” guy. If your religion gives you comfort or community or helps guide your morals and you’re not actively trying to convert others or being over-the-top with your displays of religious faith, more power to you.
And I’ll be over here cooking steak over the campfire with a beer in my hand!
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