Happy Fourth of July! (And Where Would Sask Rate in Fully Vaccinated Rate If We Were A US State?)


On July 4th when President Biden had set (and missed) a goal of 70% of Americans receiving at least their first vaccine, this list of where states are at in terms of full vaccinations is interesting (and probably not surprising) .

In case, the link dies, the top 3 are:
Vermont (66%)
Massachusetts (62%)
Maine (62%)

…and the bottom three are:
Arkansas (34%)
Alabama (33%)
Mississippi (30%)

Keeping in mind we have different political climate, vaccine procurement levels and numerous other factors that prevent this from being a true apples to apples comparison.

But Saskatchewan is currently at 45% of the eligible population fully vaccinated so would rank #28 if we were a US state, right between South Dakota and Ohio.

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