Perhaps The Single Richest Irony of the Current Federal Election?

The most ironic (and frustrating and hypocritical) thing in this entire election is Liberal supporters who are saying a vote for Jagmeet Singh and the NDP is somehow a vote for Andrew Scheer – as if they hadn’t made electoral reform a *major* plank of their last platform (a platform that got them elected because millions of Canadians – across the political spectrum – hate that their vote doesn’t count or they feel like they have to try to vote strategically.)

I hope Andrew Scheer doesn’t get in but if he does, I blame Justin Trudeau and the Liberals, *not* anyone who votes for the NDP (or Greens or PPC.)

And if Justin Trudeau ends up with a minority government, I hope the NDP ends up with the balance of power to help “remind” Trudeau to finish what he started!

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