Instead of Fighting About Politics on the Internet…

…maybe I should just upload screenshots of the witty retorts I draft but then discard without posting because I don’t feel like getting into it with people?

(Shea and I spend a lot of time talking about how liberals are often at a disadvantage in arguments with conservatives because they tend to just say whatever shit they think and liberals will sit there and go “Oh, if I post that, it’ll look like I’m attacking a woman” or “Oh, I shouldn’t judge someone just because they’re an ultra-Christian homeschooler” or “Oh, it’s a sad reality that some people with less privilege can’t afford a family vacation and I shouldn’t shame them even if their reasoning for why their not being able to afford to take their kids to the West Edmonton Mall appears somewhat misguided.” or even “Maybe I should try to find a way to word my retort so I might have a chance of changing her mind instead of scoring invisible Internet snark points.”)

<le sigh>

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