Monthly Archives July 2017

Quick Thoughts on #ndpldr Candidates’ Strengths, Weaknesses and The Influence of Bernie Sanders On Each of Them

The Federal NDP is in the midst of a leadership race and there is a debate in Saskatoon tonight. I didn’t watch it. I haven’t been following the race super closely. I briefly thought about writing a post where I ranked the four candidates but instead, I thought I’d give a quick review from my […]

Music Monday – “What’s the harm in meeting me/800 block of Robinson Street/I’ll be in town for a weekend stay”

Blake Berglund is my unofficial campground theme music this summer. This past weekend, his “Coyote” album was the first one I played when we arrived and the last one I played when we left! And here’s the lead-off song from that album which is such a great way to draw you into the album… […]

The Opiod Crisis Is So Bad That Librarians Are Learning To Deal with Drug Overdoses

This article is from the US and talks about libraries in Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco but I know firsthand that librarians and library workers across Canada and right here in Regina regularly deal with people who are drunk, on drugs, or occasionally even actively using on library premises in washrooms or elsewhere. It presents […]

Every American Flag Since 1776

(via r/vexillology)

Music Monday – “It’s Canada Day up Canada way on the first day of July/And we’re shoutin’ “hooray” up Canada way, when the maple leaf flies high.”

Is there any musician that defines Canada more than Stompin’ Tom?  And is there a better song to post on this long weekend of Canada’s 150th Anniversary? “Canada Day Up Canada Way” – Stompin’ Tom Connors

Why Pro Wrestling Is A Perfect Metaphor For Trump’s Presidency (And Ten Things Donald Trump Learned From ‘rasslin)

Trump continues to do things that no President has ever done before. As a lifelong fan of wrestling, I agree with much of what this commentator says (and have said it myself as well – scroll down to “American Idol” in this post from right after he won the Presidency.) Basically, in my view, Trump is […]

Saturday Snap – Happy Canada Day!