The debate is tomorrow night and the actual election is only three weeks away – get planning your Election Party Menu now!
- Risotto – using recipe of Clinton campaign chair person, John Podestra, as found in an e-mail leaked by Wikileaks
- Tacos – preferably directly from a taco truck since the “Latinos for Trump” group chair claimed that unfettered immigration would lead to a “taco truck on every corner“
- ¡Jeb! Guacamole – an oldie but a goldie from the start of this never-ending campaign
- KFC – what every billionaire eats on his private jet (but with silverware because “finger lickin’ good” is for the plebs)
- Skittles – the only way Skittles will actually kill you is if you’re diabetic and you eat a bazillion
- Tic Tacs – actually, you might want to skip a breath mint now linked to making unwanted sexual advances
…and last but not least, popcorn. Because what food will these guys wreck next?
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