Monthly Archives July 2015

How Do You Make Amends For Trying To Erase A Culture

I met Tasha through friends while in University but never knew her story until now. Worth a read…

Saturday Snap – Privatized Liquor Stores In Action #yqr

As a general rule, I tend to prefer public ownership of essential services – utilities including power, natural gas and telephones; grain marketing (especially as opposed to ownership by Middle Eastern corporations) and, of course, liquor. 😉 Under the Brad Wall government, Saskatchewan has opened a couple private liquor stores recently including one in a former steak house […]

Friday Fun Link – Hilarious Booze Cruise Story

Not sure if I’ve ever posted this before but I’ve watched it numerous times. Always cracks me up by reminding me of some of the crazy stupid stories my friends and I tell each other about our own wild times in high school and college.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – A Most Canadian Library Sign (July 9, 2008)

When I worked for a regional library system, many of our libraries were located in unusual locations – many co-located with a town office, a school that had been closed, a fire hall, a laundry mat. And of course we had one that was in a hockey rink – whose main doors became the entrance […]

Timmins Library Relents, Allows Girl Into “Boys Only” Robotics Program

The public library in Timmins, Ontario recently tried to offer a “boys only” robotics class but ended up facing a huge backlash (including many female scientists and engineers) after not allowing a girl to register for the program. I understand what the library was trying to do in offering a program focused on reaching boys who tend […]

Bobby Jindal Campaign Announcement = All Kinds of Cringe

So there are about a gabzillion people running for the Republican presidential candidate nomination. What’s a latecomer to the race left to do to get people talking? How about release a slice of life attempt at a “viral video” featuring mommy and daddy telling their kids daddy’s decided to run for President? So bad… the camera […]

Music Monday – “Should I stay or should I go?”

Damon Albarn, lead singer of Blur & Gorillaz, was led off stage by security after refusing to stop performing after a five-hour set with the Africa Express Project at a music festival in Europe!  

#Reddit Is Revolting (

A couple weeks ago, Reddit faced a backlash from their users after they decided to ban a few sub-Reddits which they felt violated the site’s policies against harassment. Most notably this ban included a charming sub-Reddit named /r/FatPeopleHate that had over 150,000 subscribers and which featured pictures of obese people plus invitations to subscribers to ridicule the […]

Saturday Snap – Goodbye Tree

We’ve had a wonderful tree in our yard (even better, in our neighbour’s yard with big branches hanging over the fence providing us shade and a place to hang a swing) since we bought this house. Unfortunately, the tree recently split and had to be taken down.  Sasha was in the yard when they cut […]