In completely random order…
- Sasha
- Pace
- Shea
- The Flames Kicking Ass This Year
- Tropical Holidays
- Helping People With Technology Problems at the Library
- Our Dozen or So Young Regulars Who Hang At the Library
- Craft Beer
- iPhones and Knowing That I Have A Device in My Pocket More Powerful Than The Computers That Sent A Man To The Moon
- Staples Office Supply Stores
- Not Being Able To Name The Favourite Thing Shea Cooks (Tonight’s Tikka Masala Stir Fry was Amazing!)
- Days When I Don’t Have To Scrape The Car Windows In The Morning
- Days When I Do (As Long as It’s Not *Too* Cold) As It Makes Me Feel Very Canadian
- Reading Through Chapter Books With Pace
- When Sasha Demands To Be Read Her Board Books at Bed Time
- Anytime I Walk In The House After Work and See Sasha, Pace and Shea at the Dinner Table Waiting For Me
- Memories of Our Kauai Trip – One of the Best Trips of My Life
- Staying Up Until The Wee Hours of the Morning Reading a Book I Can’t Put Down
- Staying Up Until The Wee Hours of the Morning in General
- Pace Making the Next Leap in His Technological Progress Connecting with a Friend on XBox Live Today So They Can Play Minecraft Remotely
- How Much The Oilers Suck This Year
- Pizza
- Living in the Centre of the Continent
- That I Still Get the Occasional Freelance Writing Gig
- Being On the Board of a Local Literary Press
- Hawksley Workman
- Fred Eaglesmith
- Corb Lund
- The Beatles
- Books about the Beatles
- The Movie *Boyhood*
- My New HaflingerAS Slippers (shout-out to for the wicked deal)
- Realising that part of the reason I wear through slippers so much is that I wear one pair pretty much 24/7 while at home and that I could have two pairs – one good lounging pair and a cheaper one for when I’m working/sweating/going outside to save the good pair.
- Old Dutch Cheese Nacho Chips
- Bushwakkers Brew Pub
- That Shea’s parents and my parents get along so well, go on trips together, have holidays together
- Pace not playing hockey makes me sad in some ways but makes my pocket book *very* happy!
- Looking through old photos
- Playing guitar
- Memories of my exchange to England which was probably the single best four-month stretch of my life – not just a holiday but a whole different way of life for a semester
- Johnny Gaudreau
- When Sasha says “Allll done!”
- The sense of calm that pulling back from pretty much all volunteer/political activities I’ve had since Sasha was born
- Our new Google Chomecast dongle
- Bacon
- Bacon and tomatoes
- Bacon and tomatoes and cheese
- The smell of a new book
- NetFlix
- When Sasha’s sleeping with us and you open your eyes to see her gazing at you
- Freedom of Expression issues
- Being an atheist
- Those rare times when Pace has a clean room
- Those even more rare times when our entire house feels clean
- Wednesdays mornings at work – that’s our closed morning and it’s the best time to be in the library when, other than a couple other staff, it’s pretty much empty and quiet (kinda like an old fashioned library!)
- YouTube
- The recent Supreme Court ruling against Saskatchewan’s Essential Services legislation and how the current government’s overreach may have helped the labour movement across Canada in a way that no left wing government has been able to do
- The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
- Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins and Damien Mizdow
- Barack Obama basically seeming to have no fucks to give now that he’s a lame duck President – snarking back at the State of the Union to drinking a beer during a Super Bowl interview to using Presidential power to unilaterally move forward issues he knows Congress won’t support
- Science and anything cool that happens in science
- The Qu’Appelle Valley
- This video
- Weddings
- Dancing at Weddings
- Our rPod182G Camper
- Starting To Think About Summer Camping Options
- Low Carb Beer (I am officially an old man)
- Reading in the Bath Tub
- Crossing Things Off My To Do List
- Waking Up On A Day Off and Realising I Don’t Have To Go to Work
- Caesar Salad
- Steak
- Caesar salad and steak
- Caesars
- Frame TV (saw this channel of rotating HD wallpapers in our hotel room this weekend and couldn’t turn it off)
- Blogs/Blogging
- Kurt Vonnegut
- That Final Catch in the Super Bowl (even if I hated the interception that followed on the next play)
- That my library has an XBox and Kinect available for programs and patrons to use
- Following politics
- Doug Stanhope
- Louis CK
- CalgaryPuck Fan Forum
- Visiting libraries in other communities
- Calgary (one of my favourite cities I’ve ever visited)
- That Shea Lost 40+ pounds after Sasha was born
- Joining a road hockey game on Christmas Day
- (if they’d only improve their pricing structure)
- Pretty much anything written by Marcello di Cintio or Chris Turner
- Whenever I get my e-mail in-box under control at home or at work
- External hard drives
- Sasha dancing
- Sasha laughing
- Pace laughing
- Pace dancing
- Writing – anything from stories to poems to journals to reports at work
- Lists!
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