- At our house, Santa doesn’t wrap the presents. This provides a few main advantages – makes things quicker to get set-up if you haven’t pre-wrapped the gifts, prevents awkward “Why does Santa use the same wrapping paper as mommy and daddy?” questions, and allows the kids to get an immediate jolt when they first glimpse their Santa presents under the tree.
- Another tradition at our house: Pace reads “The Night Before Christmas” on Christmas Eve, something he’s done every year since he was three (obviously, with a lot of support that year!)
- We thought Pace would start questioning the existence of Santa after a year or two at elementary school but here he is in grade two still believing as strongly as ever. According to one study, there *is* a big drop off after kids turn 5 (from around 82% to 60%) which probably correlates to kids starting school and hearing rumours on the playground. The next big drop off is by age 9 when only 25% of kids still believe.
- With that said, we had a scare this year! After three people checked independently that Pace was asleep, as soon as we started carrying Santa gifts up from their hiding spot in our basement, Pace came stumbling out of his room bleary eyed and complaining about a toothache. Shea bolted past me and got to him before he saw Sasha’s big gift I’d just put in front of the tree and we managed to get him back to sleep before finishing our Santa duties. Whew!
- I’m not sure when Christmas became “Things I Need and/or Would Buy Anyhow So I Just Put Them On My Christmas List For Other People To Buy Me” but this year’s list of gifts I received including shampoo, a belt, slippers, a new toothbrush.
- With that said, I’ll have to admit I’ve never been more surprised or happy to receive a toaster as a gift!
- My annual viewing of “Love, Actually” happened late this year – on December 22 after everybody else in the family was asleep.
- On a similar note, I’m not sure if there’s a better day to read social media sites than Christmas Day – for the most part, everyone is so full of love and joy and happiness.
- If shopping doesn’t make you happy, Boxing Day is the weirdest day of the year. After weeks and months of building anticipation and excitement for Christmas, it’s the first day where everything just stops dead – like Christmas joy has driven itself straight into a brick wall!
- Weird observation but I love that the NHL shuts down for a couple days at Christmas and think it’s pathetic that the NBA doesn’t.
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