Pre-season has begun which means the real season is only a couple weeks away. Did you know that a generally accepted rule of Canadian publishing is any book with anything to do with hockey is guaranteed to be a huge seller? True story.
No matter, how much he tries to excuse it, I think Speaker Scheer (my MP – lucky me) was wrong to not step in when a Conservative MP made an absolute joke of Question Period the other day.
It was my turn to cook tonight so on my way home from some meetings downtown, I stopped at a popular fast food emporium. Turns out the woman at the counter is someone who came to my branch a couple times searching for information and I helped her out quite a bit. So, without asking, she rang through my order on her employee discount card which got me 20% off! Pretty cool and very kind of her. Nice to know the work you do is appreciated, even when you have to go to a fast food counter to find out!
Kid Cuteness
Pace’s teachers are on Twitter so I helped him send his first-ever tweet to them tonight:
Hello @teamteachersx2 This is Pace Hammond’s first tweet. I love that I am in a grade 2/3/4 split! #DadHelping #SeeYouTomorrow
Random Link(s) Relating to A Social Media Site In Some Way
Slack looks like it could be a useful site for small team communication.
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