Shea’s and my current favourite show, “Orange Is The New Black” just had its second season released on Netflix this weekend. Unlike traditional broadcast TV shows, viewers the option to watch all new episodes on their own time including, if you choose, the day of their release in a single binge watch session. After a couple […]
Shea got invited to Pace’s school for a Volunteer Appreciation Tea for some work she’d done to help out with Pace’s class this year while she was on maternity leave. She took Sasha to the tea and it was a pleasant surprise that Pace’s class was also the one chosen to entertain the volunteers. Sasha […]
Not sure if this is a “Fun” link per se but the concept of taking photos of D-Day landing sites then and now is definitely interesting CBC has also shown what D-Day might have been like if social media had existed at that time.
So the concept of privilege has been on my mind lately. Thanks to the kind (and kind of) folks on my Facebook feed, I’ve been regularly sent articles about “white privilege“, “male privilege“, “heterosexual privilege” (uhm, for anyone keeping count, I get to tick the box for all three…plus most other types of privilege out […]
Looks like WestJet’s trying to repeat their successful Christmas viral video with another one that will pull your heartstrings for Father’s Day (plus to help make the video go viral, they’ve offered additional flights to Ronald McDonald families for every 100,000 views the clip gets up to a maximum of 500,000.) Of course, this is very generous of […]
In the old days, if your kid fell in a hole you reached for them. Today, you reach for your camera phone! 
A classic SNL musical performance confirms that controversy inevitably becomes commodity… “Radio, Radio” – Elvis Costello
The second team to make it to the Stanley Cup Final was decided tonight as the Los Angeles Kings beat the Chicago Blackhawks in overtime of Game 7 of the Western semi-final. The Kings will meet the New York Rangers, starting later this week. To celebrate another Stanley Cup, here’s an amazing video featuring a montage of every […]