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I’m no longer actively maintaining or updating them but you can find my archive of Fred Eaglesmith Guitar Tabs and Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs on this site.
Head Tale
You are currently viewing the monthly archives for May 2014
Monthly Archives May 2014
Saturday Snap – #yqr Science Rendezvous
Shea took Pace and Sasha to ScienceRendezvous which was happening at the U of R on Saturday. This is a cross-country day celebrating science. At the U of R, all the various science faculties got together to do demonstrations for the general public. I was working but was able to run out to the Uni over my […]
Friday Fun Link – International Space Station HD Live Feed
The International Space Station is now providing a live HD feed which is pretty amazing.
“Voices of Nature” at Dr. Hanna School
For the past few weeks, Pace has been getting increasingly excited about a concert that he’d been preparing for at his school. Shea and I had received some info from the school but hadn’t realised what a big deal it was until recently – that his school was the only one in all of Saskatchewan to […]
Too Many Tabs Tuesday
Some of the times science fiction led to science fact What Your Country Says About Your Reading Habits What’s the single biggest mistake parents can make? (AskReddit) 40 Ways Kids Ruin Everything Good In This World (very funny!) How The Working Class Was Forgotten 10 Segments That Make Us Ashamed To Be Wrestling Fans And one […]
Music Monday – “Christians have their hymns and pages/Hava nagila’s for the Jews/Baptists have the Rock of Ages/Atheists just sing the blues”
A co-worker sent me this knowing I’d get a kick out of it… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wogta8alHiU “Atheists Don’t Have No Songs” – Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers
Bon Jovi Baby
This clip is hilarious, not just because it reminds me of the things my own kids do now but also because it reminds me of the folk-punk band I was in while on exchange to England which regularly integrated Bon Jovi lyrics into our own songs (in this case, the song became “I want her/Dead […]
Saturday Snap – Homemade Fresh Rolls
Making one of Pace’s restaurant favourites at home…
Friday Fun Link – Calgary Stampede Debuts 66 New Midway Foods From Great to Gross
Red velvet mini donuts. Chocolate dipped cookie dough. Deep fried butter. Scorpion pizza. One of these things is *not* like the other!