I had agreed to work the Saturday of the long weekend for my boss, who is out of town for her son’s wedding this weekend, before Shea and I got an invite to a 40th wedding anniversary for her aunt and uncle. I still would’ve helped my boss out, even if we knew about the […]
I came across a movie ranking web site called FlickChart last night. The premise is very simple – it shows you posters of two movies side-by-side and you pick which movie you liked better (or you can get another choice if you haven’t seen one of the options presented.) Eventually, after you rank enough movies, […]
Reddit has a recurring feature where notable (and not-so-notable) people can show up for an AMA (Ask Me Anything) interactive chat session. [2013-08-26 – Update: This probably isn’t too surprising but there’s some strong evidence that many celebrity AMA’s – including the Ethan Hawke one listed below – are actually done by a PR person, […]
What’s that word for when you’re feeling an equal mix of happiness and sadness? That’s what I feel when I look at this photo of Pace waiting for the bus on his last day of kindergarten… (Okay, mostly happy but a twinge of sad!)
An interesting article about the ways that Facebook affects our thinking… We learn to see the present as a “future past” and focus on how we will document, and self-document, even as the events are transpiring around us. And what happens? It distracts us. In the process of tweeting, posting a Facebook status, choosing the right […]
I would’ve sworn I posted this video around Pace’s first day of kindergarten but apparently, I only put it on Facebook. So, instead of a rare re-post of a Music Monday song which I thought it would be, this video gets to be posted for the first time here to celebrate Pace’s kindergarten graduation today. […]
Hard to believe that tomorrow is Pace’s kindergarten graduation. The past year has flown by in so many ways – when the year started, Pace was an only child; now he’s a big brother. When the year started, he was still working on learning his alphabet, now he’s regularly writing out complete sentences (phonetically – […]
Hard to believe Pace is done Kindergarten next week – this year has really flown! He wrote this out without prompting the other day. Obviously, he’s got that alphabet-thing down – bring on spelling! 
This Pinterest site takes photos of youngsters dressed in fashionable clothes and provides hilarious write-ups to narrate the life of Quinoa, the trendy perfect child of trendy perfect parents. Funny stuff. Everything went fine at Quinoa’s playdate with Booker until she realized that when he said he loved vinyl, he meant jackets not vintage records.