What Are One or Two Sentences Someone Has Told You That Have Changed Your Life For The Better?

Some good answers in this Quora question

There’s no better feeling than accomplishing a task today so you don’t have to do it tomorrow…

If it hurts, do it more.

There are a whole raft of things that get easier the more often you do them. Like dishes: waiting until you’ve used all the plates and cleaning them then is painful. Much better to wash them quickly, so now I clean as I cook. Or exercise: running once a month is a bear, but doing it frequently is a joy. Once you see this pattern, it’s everywhere, and learning it really changed my life.


This is a good one for somebody who’s about to turn 40 in a couple months! 😉

“Do not regret growing old. It is a privilege denied to many.”


I like this one partly because I found out there’s a Hammond at Harvard Business School…

“Never compare your weaknesses to other people’s strengths.”

From Jan Hammond, one of my professors at Harvard Business School. Being surrounded by so many talented, accomplished and intelligent people, it was so easy to see everyone else as a composite of these strengths and feel inadequate on every level in comparison. This quote put things into perspective, reminding me that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and that the more successful and happy route in life is to accept your weaknesses and focus on your strengths.


Just the other day, I was lamenting to Shea that we should be saving more for retirement instead of going on so many trips or eating out so much or whatever.

“Money is renewable. Time is not.” -Hunter Owens

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