- Finding the A&W at the Cornwall Centre food court closed for renovations tonight, a co-worker suggested that we should “nationalize the fast food industry.”
- I helped a visually impaired patron mix up a protein shake the other day. Now *that’s* customer service!
- If politics is like sport, losing the leadership race by 44 votes is sadder for me than when the Flames lost in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals but not as sad as when the Riders lost after the 13th man penalty.
- It’s a race as to which will come first – warm spring weather or us needing to buy a winter coat to replace the one Shea’s quickly outgrowing (Note: not actually Shea in this clip)
- The Flames are about to trade Jarome Iginla. I’m betting Los Angeles but would’ve loved to see him in Pittsburgh (more likely before they picked up Morrow.)
- I am addicted to Diet Pepsi Lime pop. (I may have more to say about aspartame in a different post someday.)
- This is my new favourite sub-Reddit. So frickin’ cool!
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Yet Another Librarian's Blog
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