Every year during FTRW, I usually like to post one (potentially) offensive song (eg. a song with lots of swearing or controversial lyrics or whatever) because it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Sometimes these songs use swearing to make a point about censorship, sometimes they use swearing for humourous effect and sometimes the song I pick pretty much has no obvious redeeming value (seriously, what is the value of that song? “Artistic” expression? Release of anger? Some weird form of self-directed psychotherapy?)
This year’s song indirectly references censorship and is very humourous but it also (at least in my mind) has a huge amount of social value with its quite brilliant commentary about the blind eye society turns towards some of the most blatant evils of religion and specifically, the Pope.
From the latter link…
Curse words are bad because they make some people feel momentarily uncomfortable. Child rape is bad because it causes physical harm and psychological trauma, often for a lifetime, a lifetime that may be cut short because of the aforementioned psychological trauma. Covering up child rape is bad because it allows child rape to continue. And, of course, claiming to be in a position to decide what is and isn’t good, while covering up child rape, is the height of hypocrisy.
There is no way Minchin’s song is in any way comparable to what the Catholic church has done. And if you’re not angry enough at the church to swear, then what’s wrong with you?
All those bad words – won’t someone think of the innocent children?
Yes, indeed – won’t someone think of the innocent children!
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