Yesterday, I said that during Freedom to Read Week, often everything starts to look like a Freedom of Expression issue. I didn’t mention another aspect of this in that sometimes, something that looks like a freedom of expression issue could also actually highlight something else – potentially even something criminal. And lo and behold, something […]
During past Freedom to Read weeks, I’ve noticed that everything starts to look like a Freedom of Expression issue. (That’s probably a good thing that we should keep in mind year-round anyhow.) For example, we’re only halfway through the week and I’ve had three distinct experiences that weren’t official FTRW events but which brought forward […]
Every year during FTRW, I usually like to post one (potentially) offensive song (eg. a song with lots of swearing or controversial lyrics or whatever) because it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Sometimes these songs use swearing to make a point about censorship, sometimes they use swearing for humourous effect and sometimes the […]
Given the hash tags I’m using for this post, I suspect there are going to be a couple different audiences for this post – those who are interested in content related to Freedom to Read Week and those who’ve seen the writing I’ve done as Social Media Director for one of the candidates in the […]
As I have on this blog every year since 2007, I’m planning a week-long series of posts relating to the unofficial Haunakah (er, or week-long holiday of your choice) for librarians everywhere – Freedom to Read Week! Tune in for the rest of the week for seven crazy nights of fun! To start it off, let’s […]
Had a busy day as Shea’s and my parents were in to spend a day doing various things to help us get ready for the arrival of “Princess Kate” (as our baby girl has been christened by Grandpa Dennis, the only one to successfully guess “girl” during our Baby Reveal on Christmas Eve.) Grandma Joan […]
I finally realized why I like “The Breakfast Club” so much – the whole movie is set in a library! 
Freedom to Read Week starts next week but since a couple of my colleagues my colleagues were on CTV Morning Live today promoting RPL’s various offerings (including a great event you should take in tomorrow night if you’re anywhere near Regina), I thought I’d start things off a bit early too with a very relevant quote […]
More thoughts to come I’m sure… But for now, just a shot of two happy, positive, unified politicians. Great to see!
I’m not going to editorialize too much in this post. But I will say that I found it very revealing to see how the two MLA’s in the #skndpldr race framed their responses to the announcement of a joint Meili-Weir press conference tomorrow morning. Although many (including myself on occasion) have equated Trent and Cam […]