Monthly Archives January 2009

Friday Fun Link – Text to Music Generator (January 30, 2009)

“The P22 Music Text Composition Generator allows any text to be converted into a musical composition. This composition is displayed in musical notation and simultaneously generated as a midi file. The P22 Music Composition Font was proposed in 1997 to the John Cage Trust as an accompaniment to the John Cage text font based on […]

A Single Reddit Screen Cap Shows Why Our World Is So Messed Up

A New Chapter Begins for Libraries as Economy Sinks

The Globe & Mail recently had an article about the unfortunate fact that libraries see an uptick in usage during economic hard times. (Thanks to Sandra M. for the link.)

Music Monday – "Summertime, I think it was June/Yeah, I think it was June." – January 26, 2009

I posted this song a couple years ago, long before I started my “Music Monday” theme posts.  But it's such a good song, especially when it's cold as hell outside and you need a dose of summery-themed goodness, that I thought a re-post was in order.  (Of course that's also the second re-post of an […]

Storytime v. Gymnastics

We've put Pace into a few different activities since he was about one year old.  We did a few weeks of swim class (basically, “get used to the water while singing repetitive songs” class) while still in Weyburn last spring.  Over the summer, we did no formal activities (unless “Chase Pace around the campsite” counts) […]

A Hypothetical Post From the Past

It's Oscar season again and that reminded me of a very hypothetical post I did about a year ago which stands today except for the first link in step three no longer working (but you can go to the second link for much the same effect.  Or so I've heard.)  On a completely unrelated note, […]

Friday Fun Link – "It's all got to do with the library…we've had boys taking out books without library cards…[so] I administerd a fatal beating in which your son died."

This clip is only tangentially related to libraries but I thought it was funny…as is pretty much anything with Rowan Atkinson in it.  (Also, I have no idea where I first came across this clip so apologies if I nicked it from you or your blog.)

A Couple Interesting Inaugural Address Links

The Atlantic Monthly takes a look at the techniques and deeper meaning of Barack Obama's Inaugural Address.The Toronto Star presents word clouds of previous Inaugural Addresses including Obama's.  (Thanks to Sandra M. for this link.) Oh, and my former classmate, Ian L., got a shout-out on the highly-trafficked (and one of the first) Internet blog, […]

TechCrunch "CrunchPad"

Technology site TechCrunch is expanding beyond being one of the best sources for news about Web 2.0-type companies and have been driving development of an inexpensive, touchpad computer they've dubbed the “CrunchPad“. When launched, it will likely have WiFi, a camera, flash memory (instead of a hard drive), a full Linux install and retail for […]

President Barack Hussein Obama
