Monthly Archives October 2007

WikipediaVision (beta)

This mash-up site shows near-real time edits to Wikipedia mapped against a Google map of the earth. 

Going To The Candidate's Debate (Weyburn-Big Muddy Version)

There's a provincial election coming up in Saskatchewan in about ten days (November 7) so Shea and I took the opportunity to go to the candidate's debate at her old high school tonight – even though we're planning to vote in our home riding in Regina.  I'm too tired to analyze what we heard too […]

Are You A Talent, A Lifer or a Mandarin?

Here's another online personality test.  As with any of these types of things, you can take issue with some of the questions and how they are open to interpretation in different ways but it's still fun to see if it matches with how you see yourself. For instance, I'm kinda surprised at how well-balanced I […]

"Canada's Mexico?" Welcome to the United States…

With the Canadian dollar at par with the USD for the first time in thirty years, Shea and I  (oh, and Pace too!  He gets to claim his $400 worth of goods for being out of the country for 48 hours just like anybody) decided to join the hordes of Canadians making the pilgrimage to […]

Friday Fun Link – Library Chick's Home Library, Book Search & Learning Center (Oct 26, 2007)

Librarian Chick provides an exhaustive list of online resources for students and librarians in the academic environment – from audio books to test taking and everything in between. She also has a Learning Center that lets you search for free educational information, sites, games and software online. Finally, to complete the trifecta of excellent resources, […]

13% of Library of Congress Materials Are Missing

Inventory control is a huge issue no matter the size of your library.  But if your library is one the world's largest research institutions with 135 million items in its collection, the problems of the typical library get multiplied at an exponential rate.  According to the article linked to above, the Library of Congress has […]

Real-Time Google Alphabet

The Real-Time Google Alphabet passes the letters of the alphabet to Google Suggest in real time to create a constantly updated list of the things that the Google algorithm thinks users are searching for. 

A New Name For Library Patrons?

One of the big ways that librarians amuse themselves is debating whether to call the people who come into their buildings “patrons”, “clients” or “customers”.  (I wish I was joking about this.  I'm not.)  I happen to be firmly in the “patron” camp but do recognize that each term does have reasons why librarians choose […]

Some Thoughts On My Future Retirement

My mom retired this year after 33 years as a registered nurse – three years in Regina, four years off to have kids then thirty years at the Indian Head Union Hospital.  Shea, Pace and I went to the local health district's annual long service & retirement tea (well, actually “dessert bar” so I wasn't […]

Hidden Facebook Feature

…aka an “Easter Egg” for anybody not down with the kid's lingo.  It's easy to get your own “Facebook Friends” collage.1. log into Facebook2. click on the “Friends” tab at the top of the page 3. click on the first “—” separator after “Online Now”.  Cool, eh?  (via Stephen's Lighthouse)