Christina and I are planning to have a pool party on Friday afternoon to
celebrate the end of the semester and one of the last chances for many
of us to spend time together before some of us go off to co-op placements or off to the real world.
We're planning to start at 2pm and go until 4 or 5pm so that people can
go off to any other events and parties that are planned for that night.
What to bring: bathing suit, towel, sandals, drinks and snacks (if you
want) and pool toys (if you have them). If you bring alcoholic
beverages, please don't bring anything in glass bottles. We'll have
plastic cups as well.
There's a convenience store in our building for anybody who wants to buy snacks/drinks while they're here. There's parking behind the building – best to approach from the north and turn into our building on the west side of Richmond so you're not turning against traffic.
The pool isn't heated but the water's been very warm with the recent
heat and is quite enjoyable. There is a change room by the pool but it's
mostly used for storage so if there's not room for you to change in
there, come to the pool when you arrive to get a key from Christina or
I. Then you can come up to change in one of our apartments. Same plan
for anyone who needs a bathroom break during the afternoon.
Please e-mail me (jason@hammond.net) directly if you're coming so we'll
know how many to expect.
Where: #804 (Jason) or #809 (Christina) 1231 Richmond St “The Dorchester
When: Friday August 11, 2006, 2pm until whenever
Why: The forecast is 26 and it's the last day of classes
Jason & Christina
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