Instant Messaging
I am back on instant messaging. After using IM quite a bit in the heyday of ICQ, I got away from it for a variety of reasons (no friends mainly ) but after being asked for my MSN info by a colleague today (and also attempting to do a virtual reference exercise last week with not much success), I've decided to give it another shot. So if you want to add me, I'm “” on MSN or 17840983 on ICQ (I'm using Trillian so either should work.)
Just saw that Pinball Clemons was named the new GM of the Riders. I caught it on the TV out of the corner of my eye and can't find confirmation so don't quote me but if true, how good is that? He's a perfect guy for Saskatchewan and I think he'll be much-loved by the faithful.
(Edit: Oops! The Argos were playing in Regina this weekend so there was an interview with Pinball Clemons on the TV. He was identified as “General Manager” and sitting in front of a Riders backdrop so I thought he'd been hired away from Toronto by the Riders. Wishful thinking I guess.)
Pitching Ideas For Articles
I haven't done any freelance writing since I got here but when I saw a note in the latest Writers Guild of Alberta e-newsletter that a magazine I wrote for in Calgary was looking for stories, I decided to send off a couple ideas (since I have so much time on my hands these days. )
One pitch was for a humourous take on the library world, one was for a more serious look at the issue of library fees in Alberta (based on my 501 paper) and one was a feature on the new central library that Calgary is building. Here's hoping I don't get a response to any of them!
London Music Archive
The London Music Archive is a project of UWO's radio station to compile recordings of various local bands and put them online in MP3 format for free. I found it trying to track down a song that someone suggested for my “SW Ontario” playlist. There's a couple funny things about this – first, the suggested band is called Uisce Beatha and was one of my favourites in undergrad and I didn't even know they were from London, let alone had a song about growing up here. The other funny thing was that I'd actually stumbled on this site last year and downloaded their “Mystic of the Baja” album but totally missed that the much better “Voice of the Voyager” album featuring one of the best drinking songs of all-time, Boy's Night Out was available as well.
Librarians As Matchmakers (Attn: Cabot Yu)
For those who don't read the comments on this blog, I'll let this wonderful story speak for itself…(okay, except for a brief note that some libraries are apparently arranging “speed dating” events for their single patrons as another way to entice people into the library.) I could probably add “how cool is that?” to my list of overused phrases but really, how cool is that?
What I'm Reading (Non-FIMS Edition)
I'm really bad for having multiple books on the go at once and moreso in this program for some reason. Here's what's on the bedside shelf, one for the bathtub and one in my backpack…

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