Things I Want To Set-up/Figure Out In This Blog:
– it
already appears to have most of the things I wanted my blog to have by
default – comments, tags, RSS feed, so I just have to play around with
each of these things a bit to make sure I like how they work or
configure them as needed.
– I want
to re-create my existing home page's most useful features (weather,
link to my bookmarks because I'm also not with it enough to use yet, post some photos, link to my Fred Eaglesmith/Hawksley
Workman (and not much else) guitar tab pages)
– get rid of all the default stuff that my otherwise great hosting company has put on the page for me that I don't want
– related to tagging, figure out how to do a “tag cloud” like on, metafilter,com and other advanced websites near
– figure out how to add the “Now Reading” and “Now Listening”
features. “Now Reading” is easy because that's only going to
change about once a month with the amount of (pleasure) reading I'm
doing here. And I refuse to list journal articles as my “Now
Reading” even if that's 90% of what it is. But for “Now
Listening”, I'd love to have a constantly updated thing sent from
Winamp or whatever player I'm using so you can now how horrible my
music taste is. (Isn't the web great?)
– lots of other niggly stuff I can't think of right now.
Fred was awesome last night
The webmaster of the world-famous (hey, I got an e-mail from Paris,
France a couple months ago!) Fred Eaglesmith guitar tabulature page
shouldn't admit this but I've been pretty out-of-the-loop as a Fredhead
for the last few years. I unsubscribed from the Fred Digest
to try and cut down the volume of e-mails I was getting a few years
then never re-subscribed. Fred rarely makes it to Western Canada
(at least the areas where I was) and I'll even admit that sometimes I
would choose to go to the concert of a different artist I hadn't seen
rather than the concert of an artist I've seen probably a dozen
Then, on top of all that, I didn't even think to go look at the Fred
Digest archives before going to the concert with 20 hardcore Fredheads
to at least get up to speed a bit on what's been going on. For
instance, I didn't know Fred had a fire a week ago that burned down his
studio in Port Dover. Since nobody was hurt and Fred's taking it
well (I didn't know this either but apparently he's a Buddhist now
too), I have to point out that he gave the funniest quote of all-time
in a newspaper story on the fire: “I thought the whole building would
go, so I got out onto the roof and started yelling.” (I don't
think he was trapped on the roof, I think he was trying to get
attention so somebody would call the fire department.)
Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation
I should just note that some people are real demons for proper punctation gramr speling.
I usually am too but for the purposes of this blog-thing, I'll probably
have the occasional error because I have neither the time nor the
inclination to double-check everything I write. I know it
reflects baldly on me (that one was intentional by the way) but
deal with it. I do have a bad habit of being inconsistent so
forgiveness in advance for my switching between British/American
spellings, serial punctuation styles and so on. I also
reserve the right to still harshly judge any other blog or piece of
writing that has any minor spelling or grammar errors. (Can you imagine, he
wrote “their” instead of “there”. What a maroon!)
Classmate of the Day
It's hard to do this when we're on break but I'd have to give
the nod to Linda Bussiere for being an absolute mind-reader – she sent
an e-mail saying that Fred was playing in TO next weekend without
knowing we'd arranged to go see Fred in Brantford. Plus she also
gave some very generous guidance about accommodation possibilities in
the city. Very cool!
Attempt to Upload a Photo into the Body of a Post
Another new thing to try…if this works, you'll see a class photo we
took on Tuesday night before class. Quinn's camera apparently got
one with nobody cut off at the edges. But he hasn't touched it up yet so I'll put this one for now…
[2006-07-01 – I don't know if it's even worth ever going back to update old entries when I think of new things or whatever but in this case, we ended up with a better photo on our own camera so I decided to come back and add it to this entry.]

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