Tag Archives: Conference

Ten Ways To Fix CLA

For anyone in the library community, you're probably aware that CLA is going through some tough times financially and is looking at remedies – which means this year's conference and AGM should be particularly interesting.I don't know the full background and history of how they've arrived at this point but having seen numerous other member-based […]

Off to CLA

I'm off to the Canadian Library Association conference in Edmonton from Tuesday until next Sunday.  I'll likely still be blogging most days but just wanted to put this out there a couple days early in case anybody else will be around – either for the conference or Edmonton-area readers – and wants to connect.  You […]

PLA Conference Sessions

Can't make it to PLA?  Well at least you can check out the session handouts. 

Enabling Local Democracy at the Red Deer Public Library

I heard about this innovative library program during a presentation by Red Deer Public Library’s Director at CLA.  For the last two municipal elections, that city’s library has created information pages for all municipal candidates from the mayor to council to both school boards.  The candidates provided the information and the library simply posted it […]

My Geek Chart (and a link to my CLA Presentation)

When I recently told someone I'd just been to the CLA conference, he replied “So you're a nerd then?”“It's worse than that,” I replied.  “I happily spent the first day with the Emerging Technologies Interest Group.  So I'm like an uber-nerd of the library world!”  In that spirit, here's my Geek Chart:Headtale's Geek Chart Here […]

O Noir Restaurant – Montreal

This is where myself and two colleagues from Saskatchewan had supper tonight after the end of the CLA conference…It's pretty amazing for a number of reasons.  This restaurant is completely in the dark once you leave the reception area where you order your meal and leave all forms of illumination in lockers (cell phones, lighters, […]

Scroll Down for A Pic of Some Dork at the Emerging Technology Interest Group Pre-Conference

My session this morning went okay but for the second time in less than a month, I was disappointed that I didn't “nail it” the way I wanted to.  In library school, I used to regularly do presentations that kicked ass (he says humbly).  One got a comment from a student who won Highest Academic […]

Me in Montreal



I think I mentioned previously that I've been asked to represent public libraries on an Emerging Technologies Interest Group pre-conference panel.  If you're a CLA member, you may have received a News Flash last week that this pre-conference session, along with a few others, were closed due to low registration numbers.  Fear not – I've […]

Music Monday – "Snow's so merciless/Poor old Montreal/In spite of everything that's happened/In spite of it all"

Time to break out the long-neglected “CLA Conference” tag.  Just got word today that I was approved to go to this year's CLA conference in Montreal at the end of May!  I'm especially happy about this because I'd had a feeler extended to see if I'd be coming to the conference and available to sit […]