Been thinking about this a bit lately in a variety of ways – the “controversy” over gender fluidity/Drag Queen storytimes/”grooming”, the notion of what constitutes “professionalism” as I wear jeans and a t-shirt to work every day while having the most rat-nesty beard this side of Santa Claus, and then the above thought I saw shared on Facebook.
What are some things that are social “constructs”?
* Gender
* Race
* National Borders
* Provincial Borders
* All Borders Outside of Naturally Occurring Ones (which are often connected to national/provincial borders to be fair)
* Religion
* Signifiers of Wealth
* Drinking age/voting age/age of consent/Driving age/other age-related milestones
* Professionalism (apparently what we think of as modern business suits used to be worn by lower classes while the owners/managers wore frock coats and breeches and cravats! Or look at the recent controversy over John Fetterman wearing shorts in the US Senate!)
These things cross over sometimes too – in terms of professionalism, upper class men used to wear wigs and makeup for instance. Talk about the original drag queens!
What else should be on my list as a social construct? Google to the rescue!
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