By most accounts, Sask Party MLA Mark Docherty was a decent dude.
I know I always enjoyed my interactions with him – when he would come to the library I was working at for events or programs or when I would bump into him at community events or whatever.
Given his background and resume, I’ve even heard him called “The best candidate the NDP never had” (I’ve also heard there’s a story behind why he ran for the Sask Party instead of NDP but isn’t there always a story?)
I also met with him and his assistant ahead of the “Drop Everything and Read” protests after the Sask Party unsuccessfully targeted public libraries with severe budget cuts in 2017. (Funny story – my main memory of that meeting was reassuring his assistant that it wouldn’t be violent protesters throwing bricks through windows; instead it would be books read on walkways!)
Anyhow, tonight Noor Burki won the NDP nomination to be the NDP candidate in Regina Coronation Park and, with Docherty stepping down and triggering a byelection, I hope that the NDP can retake this seat which was a longtime NDP stronghold.
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