Spring feels like it’s (almost) here.
Even though I haven’t been directly involved in farming for years, like many in Saskatchewan, I start thinking about seeding at this time of year.
Here’s an interesting video but unfortunately he doesn’t cover survival strategies if your dad makes you shovel out a grain bin on a super hot summer day while desperately hungover!
(Er, probably shouldn’t joke about that – they mention near the end of the video that grain bins are one of the most dangerous places on a farm and when I was in grade 12, my dad was badly injured when a manual bin sweep caught some rubber lining and jumped up, breaking his arm and smashing his face. He was alone at the time and luckily wasn’t knocked out but instead, managed to drive to town (likely in shock), wake my mom who was a nurse that had just worked a night shift, and say in typical understated farmer fashionwhile standing at the end of the bed bleeding and with his arm hanging limply, “Uhm, I think I may have hurt myself.”)
It wasn’t in a grain bin but another cousin caught her hand in an auger loading grain into a bin and only her thick leather gloves jamming the auger meant her hand didn’t get totally amputated. Instead, it was badly mangled and still causes pain, over a decade later.)
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