Got a surprise call at work from Great Canadian Brewhouse East who have a weekly promotion where they deliver pizza to a random nearby business or organization for Free Friday Lunch.
Delicious and a great way to end the week! (I wonder how many businesses they deliver to end up even sharing with a couple unhoused customers like we did?)
Pace has been working concessions at Regina Pats games to fundraise for a school trip to Costa Rica later this spring. It’s given me a good excuse to get to a few games (including taking Sasha and my folks on New Year’s Day) and Pace has benefited in many ways too.
I didn’t go to the game on Friday night but was happy to see that he also got some free food too when I picked him up afterwards.
(By arena standards, I believe the bag of free popcorn he was given at the end of his shift is worth about eight hundred dollars!)
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