I’ve probably been overly obsessive about reading and rEsEaRcHiNg about Covid ever since the pandemic began – all aspects from the science of it to the economic and political implications to the occasional conspiracy theory (well, blitzed with them every time I open a social media site!)
Now that I’ve finally had Covid, a lot of that reading takes on a more personal context – in terms of thoughts about possible long-term effects (read an interesting debate on Twitter about whether calling it “Airborne HIV” is a better analogy to get people to realise it’s a virus that affects your immunity and vascular system rather than the popular “it’s just a mild cold” narrative or if that’s too stretched of an analogy that could cause more confusion and bring in a lot of the stigma that AIDS/HIV had and still has) to my own day-to-day situation (for example, I’m not sure if I’ve *ever* found a definitive answer about what a continuing line, even faint, on your rapid test after you have Covid means – I’ve seen pretty legitimate sources say everything from “any line, no matter how faint, means you’re still contagious” to “you’re probably not contagious after five (or is it ten?) days, even if you still have a line” to “we honestly don’t know.”) to whether my 5G reception will get better (er, I read that on a conspiracy site I think.)
Anyhow, I would probably be more long-winded but one reality is that Covid has made me *really* tired all the time. (I’ve had more naps in the past week then anytime since I was two years old!).
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