A couple recent conversations with different colleagues has inspired a patented Headtale listicle…namely, what are some things that make a good library worker?
1. Someone who grew up listening to/playing/being part of the punk rock scene. *Every* person I know who fits this description has been an *amazing* library worker.
2. Someone who grew up with a parent who was a nurse (full disclosure: my mom was a nurse so I’m biased on this one. But I know others who fit this description who are excellent too!)
3. People who had a low-paying retail job, preferably in food services, as their first job.
4. People who have traveled internationally.
5. People who have worked in nonprofit organizations, bonus points if it was a social services agency.
6. This one goes without saying but is surprisingly not as common as you’d think among library workers – people who read a lot *and* read widely.
7. People who didn’t have a lot of money growing up.
8. For lack of a better term, people who have a “zen” personality.
9. People who are genuinely kind.
10. People who have kids.
Disclaimer: this list is not exhaustive by any stretch, correlation is not causation, etc. etc. Some of these things may also make someone a bad library worker. But these are just a few of my own observations which may or may not hold true in all cases, your mileage may vary, etc. etc.
(Oh, and to show I’m not writing this as some sort of way to pat myself on the back, I only score 5/10 out of the things on this list meaning I’m probably not a great library worker by my own definition!)
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