I have so many fond memories of different experiences during my fifteen (!) years as a public librarian.
One of the most memorable was being invited to represent public libraries in a pre-conference session put on by the Emerging Technologies group of CLA.
As if being the representative for basically all public libraries in the country (just kidding – I think?) wasn’t enough pressure, I got to do my presentation along with highly engaging academic librarian named John Fink and well-known librarian speaker and activist, Jessamyn West.
My presentation’s conceit, such as it was, was talking about how I used common technologies of the day (RSS! Wikis!) versus how the library that employed me used them (sorry, formatting is a bit off in the Slideshare below.)
As I said, my co-presenters were intimidating.
But the most intimidating part of the presentation?
Since it was the Emerging Tech group, it felt like *nobody* in the room watched my presentation – instead, everybody had their laptop open and was actively liveblogging, tweeting or adding to a conference wiki!
Good times…
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