It’s not quite December but we’ve already had our tree up for a couple weeks (which was also the timing last year – anything for some extra joy in Covid times!) and spent Sunday morning wrapping presents so I figured it’s time to start sharing some Christmas music too.
Oh, and speaking of wrapping presents, since I’ve posted a list of our Christmas traditions in the past, here’s a list of the things my wife and I usually disagree about at this time of year (including 1-2 items that make both lists!)…
1. When to put up the tree (me = anytime after Nov 11 but as early as possible, her – Dec 1 at the earliest and preferably closer to Xmas)
2. When wrapping gifts, if you need to use name tags (her) or can just write on the wrapping paper (me)
3. If it’s possible to roughly balance both number and value of gifts for kids (her = yes, me = no).
4. Whether we’ve bought too many gifts for the kids (this one alternates – she’ll say “no” when I say “yes” then we’ll flip and probably end up buying more than we should!)
5. If each kid’s “big” Santa gift should be wrapped (her) or the only one left unwrapped on Christmas morning (me).
6. If giving a used item you bought off Facebook Marketplace is appropriate (me = did you see the cost of a new Stephen King boxed set at Chapters? I can get 5x more books for less money on Facebook, her = why did I marry you?)
7. If anyone cares or notices whether the parents get gifts (me = no, her = yes)
8. On a related note, if it’s okay to just wrap the empty boxes of anything you bought in the past three months as a gift if you’re a parent (her = no, me = hell yeah)
9. How many blinky lights around the house are enough (me = no limit, her = oh, my aching head)
10. Is Die Hard a Christmas movie. (Okay, we actually agree that it is! Now, whether it’s appropriate viewing for an eight year old is a different topic!)
“Santa’s Coming For Us” – Sia
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