This popular Reddit thread has lots of great examples of how people realised they weren’t young anymore.
Here’s a few of mine…
– in common with some of the most popular answers, I went on a sunset boat cruise in Kelowna about ten years ago. They were promoting “Classic Rock” but they played stuff from the 1980’s instead of the 1960’s like I expected (may have been the first “wow, am I old now?” moment I can remember.)
– my eye doctor is someone I used to babysit.
– I went for a haircut and the stylist asked if I “wanted my eyebrows touched up too” since they were apparently a little scraggly!
– was at a public event at work and a young regular asked if my kids were my grandkids!
– when I watch a music awards show, I barely recognize any of the artists. They also usually give the “Lifetime Achievement Award” to somebody who’s probably a decade or more younger than me – Britney Spears or Justin Bieber or whoever.
– Yes, I have been asked if I qualify for a senior’s discount.
– I think our house is almost completely LED lights and I still run around telling everybody to turn them off.
– I’ve started (occasionally) drinking low alcohol beer.
Those are a few off the top of my head. Unfortunately, I’m sure there are a lot more examples.
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