I know lottery tickets are a waste of money but I buy them for a few reasons:
1) Lottery money helps fund a lot of great organizations including many of the non-profits I used to work for/with/volunteer for.
2. As a colleague once said, “sure, you’re not going to win but what you’re actually buying is permission to dream about what life would be like if you did.”
3) I’m fairly restrained in my purchases, only buying a single ticket at a time and not even for every draw – only if jackpots get huge and/or coinciding with when I’m at a gas station or convenience store or a similar place where I might have occasion to buy one. (It always pains me if I’m buying tickets and somebody else buys like $100 worth of tickets at a shot.)
At any rate, posting this pic makes me feel like my aunt who goes to the casino and always tells you how much she won but never how much she spent to win that jackpot. But since I rarely win more than a free ticket or $10, this was a pleasant surprise the other morning.
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