Took Pace and his cousin to a wrestling show in Weyburn last Saturday and it was a blast bringing back fond memories of my dad taking me to a handful of Stampede Wrestling shows in Regina and Fort Qu’Appelle and even a few shows in my own hometown of Indian Head.
A few highlights…
1. Relatively crowded when we show up (I mean by indy wrestling standards so total crowd was maybe 100-150 ppl?) but one lady is just handing out extra chairs so we add ourselves to the front row and bonus, we’re *right* by where the wrestlers come out!
2. Hearing Pace and his cousin talk about which wrestling shows on TV are “real” versus which is “fake” reminds me of similar conversations with my friends at that age (though in those days, the shows were still “kayfabe” eg. pretending to be real so we had a lot more reason to doubt. I thought everyone knew wrestling was “sports entertainment” now but apparently not.)
3. “The Legendary” Rex Roberts, the guy with probably the worst physique in the entire show, is also probably my favourite – his non-stop jawing with the crowd is hilarious and then he busts out a top rope moonsault to win the match – impressive! Less impressive – I was constantly taking photos and short videos through the show but totally missed his moonsault because I simply wasn’t expecting it.
4. Pace is a pretty shy kid so it was fun to watch his progression through the show – from watching quietly to clapping along when the wrestlers encouraged the crowd to do so to loudly yelling insults at the bad guys by the final couple matches!
5. On that note, our front row perch meant we sat right beside the ring announcer and his daughter. She kept me entertained with *her* commentary whenever her dad had to go the ring plus led to one of the funniest things I heard all night – the dad was encouraging her to yell at a heavyset bad guy and she responded that was mean and bullying so she wasn’t going to do it. Then her dad went on to explain how the wrestler was playing a character and he *wanted* people to yell at him so he’d know he was doing a good job. But she still refused to do so! (I had no such hesitation. The wrestler’s name was “Big Chief” so my own best insult was “Big Mac” – not very creative so maybe I should’ve followed the girl’s lead and just stayed quiet!)
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