Eternal optimist that I am, I keep saying that Covid has had some unintended benefits.
One of those is because we couldn’t do a winter trip this year, it also meant we had more holidays to take in the summer – two weeks in July but also two weeks in August which we don’t usually get.
We’ve just completed that second two weeks stretch and I also chuckle thinking how I think of myself as left-wing and progressive but I also do a lot of things that are probably considered “redneck” by other left-wing people when I’m camping.
For example…
1. Attend a Demolition Derby
2. Drink Jack Daniels regularly (including sometimes as my first drink of the day before noon. Er, try it with iced tea – great refreshing early morning beverage!)
3. Use duct tape to (try to) fix anything that breaks (sorry, don’t have a photo of any of my creations.)
4. Hang out with relatives of Shea’s after a funeral who are actually proud to identify as *real* rednecks – a mixture of bikers/ranchers/oil field workers. But people can surprise you – one guy who was a dead ringer for Bobby “Elvis” Munson in the show “Sons of Anarchy” waxed absolutely poetic about his love of purple Empress gin!)
5. Attend a pro ‘rasslin show where only a handful of people in the building were wearing masks (and one is a combatant!) ;-).
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