We had a “Hungry Caterpillar” themed birthday when Sasha turned one that was a huge hit – great decorations (mostly homemade or from the Dollar Store), a “Hungry Caterpillar” dress ordered off Etsy, and her (at the time) five year old brother even did a reading of “The Hungry Caterpillar” using a giant book I’d borrowed from the library.
I don’t use Pinterest a lot but the board I created for party ideas still gets a lot of hits/saves to this day (uhm, would’ve sworn I added more than six things to that board but don’t know enough about how Pinterest works – maybe they pruned broken links or copyrighted images or something?)

On the wall, one photo from each month of her first year In caterpillar form as a cool decoration (This “Chain” Hangs In My Office To This Day!). Also featuring an antique pedal car her grandpa restored for her.
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