With vaccines rolling out, certain states (probably prematurely) removing *all* Covid restrictions, and other leaders speculating about the light at the end of the tunnel (or maybe not?), it’s time for a list…
- I won’t have to wear a mask at work or going into stores
- I’ll go to a concert in person instead of watching online.
- Minot shopping weekend – here I come!
- We’ll run programs in the library again where dozens of people come together to learn, enjoy, connect.
- I’ll choose to sit on a plane again
- We’ll put the Lysol wipes back under the bathroom sink where they belong instead of having them by the front door.
- The CNN “Death Counter” on-screen graphic showing cases, deaths (and now vaccines thankfully) will disappear from my TV completely.
- People will stop arguing in Facebook comments. (Just kidding!)
- There will be real people attending sporting events instead of empty arenas, cardboard cutouts or a wall of video screens showing fans watching on Zoom.
- My kids will be able to give their grandparents big, prolonged hugs without fear of killing them (unless they squeeze too hard!)
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