Shea and I took the kids for our annual “Twinkle Tour” around Regina tonight and funny to think how Covid has even influenced this simple tradition…
– immediately noticing a higher amount of traffic at the “starred” houses on the Sparkle Tour web site, likely because there are fewer other entertainment options – no work Christmas parties at restaurants, no school concerts, not even house parties with families and friends.
– wondering if any driveway with extra cars in it signalled illegal visits of extra guests?
– “Candy Cane Lane” is a heavily decorated street in Regina which has always had one house with a walking tour of giant inflatables, accepts donations for the food bank and even a temporary shack selling hot chocolate and snacks. Obviously, none of that this year.
– getting home and immediately rushing to wash hands even though we never left the vehicle the entire time when normally we’d get out at some houses to stand on the sidewalk or try out the candy cane dispensing machine (also a no-no this year!) or chat with others enjoying the NICE LIGHTS!
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