I took Sasha out trick or treating for a couple hours tonight (Pace was off with friends) and it was noticeably quieter on the streets compared to other years (also quieter at our house – we’re in a new house but in the same area as our old house. Our neighbour said they usually get 40-100 most years which is the same range as at our old house. This year, we only got ~20 kids. Oh, and unintentionally funny moment – Sasha wanted to go to our old street to trick or treat at the houses of friends and former neighbours so she actually got to trick or treat at our old house!)
While trick or treating, we saw a wide range of approaches at houses that were giving out candy – some houses with people wearing masks, some with masks and tongs, some wearing gloves, some with barricades so you couldn’t get right to the door and they’d watch for you from inside, some with candy chutes (apparently though never saw one ourselves), some with bowls of candy and signs to “Take One or Two only” (though someone pointed out this is great for protecting the homeowner but possibly not for all the kids pawing through the bowls – but then again, many kids are likely wearing gloves tonight as well.)
We tried to use houses with their outside lights on as a guide for which ones were participating but saw lots of houses with interior lights on so apologies to the ones we skipped if you’re eating mini KitKats for breakfast tomorrow!
Some had signs indicating if they were (or weren’t) giving out candy but if they were posted on front doors, they were hard to see, especially once it got dark so we just skipped those houses too. We probably went to every third or fourth house overall instead of trying every house like we’d do in a normal year.
Anyhow, as I said, it was a very strange year for Halloween all around but overall, I felt pretty safe being out (Sasha wore a mask plus her costume which also had a plastic mask) and I was happy to see most other people being very cautious as well.
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