A few hot takes as I watched the debate…
- Does Molly Thomas still live in Sask? If not, weird optics to fly in a debate moderator from out-of-province during a pandemic.
- Moe looks very nervous right out of the gate, not what I expected from the Premier and frontrunner.
- Drink! Moe says NDP has record of shutting things down (without acknowledging it was his party that created debts that led to that point!)
- Question about covid response. I don’t know about you but think I’ll trust the doctor over the failed farmer on major questions of health. I mean, Meili literally wrote a book called “A Healthy Society”.
- Moe: “Our main challenges are when people aren’t following public health guidelines” (like when I show up at an ice cream shop and pose for a photo without socially distancing or wearing a mask?)
- Is it an optical illusion or are Meili and Moe less than six feet apart?
- Mask mandate question. Moe looks even more nervous if that’s possible, stammering and stuttering. Don’t want to piss off the anti-maskers.
- Why do they do “open debate” segments so they just talk over each other or monopolize the mic? (Quick revision – the first one looked like it was going off the rails like Broten vs. Wall Part Deux but didn’t really happen for rest of debate.)
- Moe: “We’ve itemized the items!” What I hear: “Propane and propane accessories!”
- Moe: (outloud) “Saskatchewan has a plan to balance the budget in 2024…” (quiet) “…by selling off SaskTel and other Crown Corps.” (To be fair, soon after, I think he says they won’t sell off Crown Corps. I don’t believe him but he does say it.)
- Moe channelling his best Donald Trump talking over Meili and the moderator.
- Moe probably doesn’t want to bring up the North Battleford hospital as an example of great planning and foresight #200ProblemsAndALeakingRoofIsJustOne (
- Moe: “Food, fuel and fertilizer” is how Sask has created wealth for generations. And “stuck in the mud, status quo, and same old, same old” are also appropriate alliterations at this moment.
- Meili showing the most rage so far: “A thirteen cent rage, er, raise to the minimum wage isn’t enough.”
- Moe is looking really rattled. I’m honestly glad that there’s a doctor on the stage!
- Sorry to harp on this but Moe seems unprepared. Entitled knowing what the polls say so he didn’t put in the work?
- Meili: “You sent two of your Ministers to basically say ‘get off my lawn'”. Line of the night?
- Question: “Kids have backslid massively during quarantine” Moe (probably) “I guess we cut schools and libraries some more.”
- Elephant in the room – does Moe’s DUI history (including lack of disclosure about a DUI charge that was dropped) come up tonight?
- I’ve been a Meili supporter since his first run in 2009 and can’t believe how far he’s come as a debater. Moe is out of his depth.
- Moe says the drugs on our streets now are a lot more deadly than the drugs that were on the streets a few years ago. Me: Hmmm, how does he know?
- And just like that, it’s over. Wow – that went fast!
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