I told this story soon after it happened but now, five years later, it also qualifies to be a “Throwback Thursday” post as well.
At the time, we were at Shea’s parents’ campsite getting ready for supper and no one was paying much attention to Sasha in the camper as people bustled in and out.
Except somehow, our darling angel managed to time it *perfectly* so that she flipped the lock on the camper door when no one else was inside! Worse, this was the bright red deadbolt lock they never used so we didn’t have a key for it either.
We could see Sasha through the window but couldn’t figure out how to make her understand how to re-open the lock she’d engaged. So we watched as she smiled and waved and soon after, happily started chugging a bottle of chocolate syrup that had been left on the table into her mouth!
A crowd of neighbhours gathered, all with ideas on how to get into the locked camper – pop out a window? Send Pace through the roof vent? Could we get in through one of the storage pass-throughs?
We called everyone we could think of that might have a key that worked – the local RV dealer. Someone who had the same model of trailer. A locksmith. But no one was around and/or had anything to help us.
Finally, after about an hour of trying to figure out a less destructive way in, Grandpa got out his drill and drilled right through the lock to get in.
Sasha was happy as could be but we realised it couldn’t been very dangerous – if she started flipping switches on the slide-outs or got into the knife drawer or who knows what (at that point, I think we would’ve broke a window and dealt with it later!)
Anyhow, it’s become a pretty legendary story and as we head into another summer of camping, delayed by a few weeks from when we normally start, here’s hoping for another memorable (but not *too* memorable) summer!
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