- As a fan of dystopian literature, it’s still shocking how quickly we’ve gotten to this point. Within a couple months of COVID-19 appearing, we’ve shut down billion dollar sports leagues, concerts, schools, libraries and more.
- I’ve been thinking a lot about the differences between a panicked response, a prepared response and a proactive response and where that line is/how you define that line for different people/organizations.
- Same thing with fake news – I mean, as a librarian, I’m a fan of accurate, scientifically valid information but I also know librarians who are fans of 9/11 conspiracy theories and Gwyneth Paltrow “crystals and chakras” woo stuff so we all have our biases (including me). Hell, Saskatchewan’s Chief Medical Officer was seen as given contradictory information in his update today.
- I will not confirm nor deny that a few days ago, I may have looked at an online travel site to see if there were massive price drops and I may or may not have briefly contemplated what it’d be like to do a *second* tropical holiday.
- Twitter rewrites Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start The Fire” focused on the wild year of 2020 alone.
- Why social distancing matters.
- Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now. This sort of ties into that earlier comment about panic/prepare/proactive. Is this article which is very factual but also written by someone who is not an expert in viruses but has two Masters of Science – Engineering degrees and an MBA from Stanford alarmist or factual?
- Government of Canada CoronaVirus Outbreak Map
- Ultimately, it depends on this: ““In the end, it will be impossible to know if we overreacted or did too much, but it will be QUITE apparent if we under reacted or did too little.”
- And most importantly, why are people hoarding toilet paper? Four experts give their opinion.
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Yet Another Librarian's Blog
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