Happy (?) Fourth of July.
I think I’ve mentioned that Shea’s and my “mini protest’ after Trump was elected was deciding not to go to the USA – mostly because of him but also because I just found the USA to be increasingly at odds with my personal values in general – from the gun violence to the overt displays of religion to the general ignorance of much of the population. (I think I’ve told the story of meeting a guy from Montana in Mexico and him not knowing where Saskatchewan was – even though our borders literally touch!)
Anyhow, we didn’t go to the US a lot but we had visited a handful of times over the years including everywhere from North Dakota to Hawaii so deciding to boycott an entire country does rule out opportunities to explore some of the most interesting, unique places and landscapes on earth.
The photo above is from a trip to one of those places – Las Vegas – which we got to for a weekend in 2009 and where my “twenty bucks a day max” gambling limit led to me hitting a pretty decent (relatively) jackpot!
Oh well – hopefully in 2020, the US will be back on our “Yes Fly” list.
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