After running Grandpa and Grandma out to Indian Head after they returned from a month in Australia/New Zealand, Sasha and I decided to have a little adventure of our own by taking the scenic route home.
We stopped at the family farm where Sasha got to drive down the lane (watch the road!!!)…
…meet a new friend…
…and wrestle with the immortal question of what was tougher for her great-grandparents – living without microwaves or without YouTube?
Then on to the Katepwa lookout point…
…followed by Katepwa Beach to throw rocks at the still-frozen ice.
A quick stop at the Lebret grocery for treats (so quick I forgot to take a picture!) then on to Fort Qu’Appelle for groceries for supper and ideas for a cake for her upcoming birthday (and yes, you’ll see *more* treats on that conveyor – road trips are all about the food!)
Finally, home to Regina bypassing Echo Provincial Park where we had a seasonal site a couple years ago, figuring at least one of us wouldn’t be up to the hike in to our old campsite if the gates were still locked on this cold April day!
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