One of the best parts of any trip is the funny moments that happen. Here’s a few from our recent trip:
- Hearing Justin Bieber’s popular Christmas song, “Mistletoe” on the van’s radio as we’re shuttled from the airport to our hotel. (It’s important to note that our trip was in late February, not December, so this was incongruous to say the least – so much so that I pulled out my phone and taped a bit of it!)
- On the other end of the trip, I call the front desk and ask for a “bus boy” to transport our luggage to the lobby. “Do you mean bell boy, sir?” the person on the other end replies and I burst out laughing. “Thanks for correcting my English!” I quip.
- Sasha had a couple memorable quotes – when she saw sea urchins in the water, she was excited about the “sea urgencies”. When she saw a large knot hole in our wooden table at one restaurant, she said “This table has a heck of a problem.” And when she ordered a special drink from the kids’ menu that had yellow smoothie on the bottom and red smoothie on the top, she called it a “Winnie My Poo” instead of the proper name, “Winnie The Poo”.
- I see a woman sitting on the dividing wall between the beach and pool deck who has the same hair colour, body shape and and cover-up as Shea. Except when I touch her on the shoulder and she looks up, I blurt “You’re not my wife!” Later, when I do find Shea, I make a point of walking past the woman so she can see me with my wife and that I wasn’t just some creep.
- We were on the fourth floor of a five storey building. Yet every time we got on the elevator, Sasha asked “Up or down?” (In hindsight, I probably should’ve taken her to the top floor – maybe she was just curious to see it?)
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